On a Monday morning of cool drizzle and gray skies on the Branford Green, parade Grand Marshal and featured speaker Raymond Ingraham, asked the crowd to remember the veterans that have come home and are struggling.
May 28, 2024

On a Monday morning of cool drizzle and gray skies on the Branford Green,...
Parade Grand Marshal and featured speaker Raymond Ingraham, asked the crowd to remember the veterans that have come home and are struggling.
“We see them each day,” said Ingraham, a long-time Branford public servant who enlisted in the Air Force at 17 and served in the Iran-Iraq war. “We even thank them for their service. These veterans were not harmed outwardly, but there are scars that all of them carry that they don’t talk about enough.
“I ask veterans, if you’re not OK, get help,” he said, citing Take A Vet Fishing and Shoreline Veterans Corporation as resources. “I yearn for the day that we can place flags on the graves of veterans that have lived a full life, with them telling stories to their grandchildren.”